So you need a proof box for your yeasted products? Building your own or buying one can be expensive, time-consuming and complicated.
Without a humidified warm box (proof box), your breads or viennoiserie won’t rise to their full potential or they’ll dry out and not come out right at all.
Make it yourself
I found that even in my vented gas oven, I can easily humidify the insides using a regular household humidifier I bought at Costco for $25. What’s more, it has a “warm mist” feature which helps keep the inside temperature where I want it.

For most things, I like my temperature at 80F and a humidity of 80%. Professional recipes usually call for specific temperatures and moisture levels, so you can control things as needed.

All I did was connect a simple hose to the humidifier output with duck tape and then placed it into a crack of the oven.

I then placed a layer of plastic wrap on the top where the door is cracked open to prevent humidity from escaping. Most people have electric ovens that are sealed pretty well, so you may not need to add the wrap like I do. Mine is a gas oven which vents a lot, so for me it’s necessary.

I place a humidity/temperature sensor inside to monitor things. It costs $10 at Amazon. I also run the convection fan during the entire proof to assure even humidity and temperature throughout.

I’ve been doing this for a while now and it’s very easy and works really well! If you have your own tips and tricks, please share in the comments below.